The Dougy Center has a vastly informative selection of books on grieving children and teens. You may view this material as well as purchase books directly through their website,

Common Ground’s Recommended Reading List

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Recommended Books for Children Ages 3-6

Brown, L.K., & M. (1996). When Dinosaurs Die: A Guide To Understanding Death. Little Brown & Co.
Buscaglia, L. (1983). The Fall of Freddie the Leaf. Holt, Rinehart.
Cazet, D. (1984). Christmas Moon. Macmillan Publishing Company.
Dodge, N. (1984). Thumpy’s Story: A Story of Love and Grief Shared by Thumpy, the Bunny. Prairie Lark.
Gryte, M. (1988). No New Baby: For Boys and Girls Whose Expected Sibling Dies. Centering Corporation.
Hanson, W. (1997). The Next Place. Waldman House Press.
Haas, S. (1991). Daddy’s Chair. Kar-Ben Copies, Inc.
Mellonie, B., & Ingpen, R. (1983). Lifetimes: A Beautiful Way to Explain Death to Children. Bantam Books.
Miles, R. (1971). Annie and the Old One. Little, Brown, & Co.
Mills, J. (2003). Gentle Willow. Magination Press.
Mundy, M. (1998). Sad Isn’t Bad: A Good-Grief Guidebook for Kids Dealing With Loss. Abbey Press.
Rogers, F. (1998). When a Pet Dies. GP Putman’s Sons.
Rothman, J. (1992). A Birthday Present for Daniel: A Child’s Story of Loss. Prometheus Books.
Temes, R. (1992). The Empty Place: A Child’s Guide Through Grief. Small Horizons.
Viorst, J. (1971). The Tenth Good Thing About Barney. Athenaeum.
Vigna, J. (1991). Saying Goodbye to Daddy. Albert Whitman & Co.
Wilhelm, H.
(1985) I’ll Always Love You. Crown Publishers.

Recommended Books for Children Ages 7-10

Buscaglia, L. (1983). The Fall of Freddie the Leaf. Holt, Rinehart.
Carrick, C. (1976). The Accident. Seaburg Press.
Clifton, L. (1988). Everett Anderson’s Goodbye. Holt, Rinehart, & Winston.
Coburn, J. B. (1980). Annie and the Sand Dobbies. Harper Collins.
Douglas, E. (1990). Rachael and the Upside Down Heart. Price, Stern, & Sloan.
Johnson J., & Johnson, M. (1978). Tell Me Papa: Answers to Questions Children ask about Death and Dying. Centering Corporation.
Karst, P. (2000). The Invisible String. DeVorss Publications.
Krementz, J. (1983). How it Feels When a Parent Dies. Alfred A. Knopf.
Kubler-Ross, E. (1998). Remember the Secret. Celestial Press.
Madenski, M. (1991). Some of the Pieces. Little, Brown, & Co.
Paulus, T. (1973). Hope for the Flowers. Paulist Press.
Romain, T. (1999). What on Earth Do You Do When Someone Dies?. Free Spirit Publishing.
Walker, A. (1988). To Hell with Dying. Harcourt, Brace, & Jovanovich Publishing.
Winsch, J. L. (1995). After the Funeral. Paulist Press.
Varley, S. (1984). Badger’s Parting Gifts. New York: Mulberry Books.

Recommended Books for Children Ages 10-13

Cohen, J. (1994). Why Did it Happen? Helping Children Cope in a Violent World. Morrow Junior Books.
Cosby, B. (2000). The Day I Saw my Father Cry. New York: Scholastic, Inc.
Goldring, T.M. (1999) Kat’s Surrender. Boyds Mill Press.
Graeber, C. (1982). Mustard. Macmillan Publishing Company.
Jampolsky, G. (1982). Straight from the Siblings: Another Look at the Rainbow. Celestial Arts.
Jukes, M. (1985). Blackberries in the Dark. Yearling Publishers.
Leshan, E. (1976). Learning to Say Goodbye: When a Parent Dies. Simon & Schuster.
Mandino, O., & Kaye, B. (1989). The Gift of Acabar. Bantam Books.
Mills, L. (1991). The Rag Coat. Little, Brown, & Company.
Paterson, K. (1977). The Bridge to Tarabithia. Harper Collins.
Schwiebert, P., & Dekylen, C. (2001). Tear Soup. Grief Watch.
Spies, K. (1990). Everything You Need to Know About Grieving. Rosen Publishers.
White, E. B. (1952). Charlotte’s Web. Harper & Row.

Recommended Books for Children Ages 13 and Over

Canfield, J., Hansen, M.V., & Kirberger, K. (1997). Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul. Deerfield Beach, FL: Health Communications.
Dower, L. (2001). I Will Remember You: What to do When Someone You Love Dies, A Guidebook Through Grief for Teens. New York: Scholastic, Inc.
Fitzgerald, H. (2000). The Grieving Teen: A Guide for Teenagers and Their Friends. New York: Simon & Schuster.
Fry, V. (1995). A Part of Me Died, Too. Dutton Children’s Books.
Gootman, M. E. (2005). When a Friend Dies: A Book for Teens about Grieving and Healing. Free Spirit Publishing.
Mahon, K.I. (1992). Just One Tear. Lothrop, Lee, & Shepard Books.
McDaniel, L. (1999). The Girl Death Left Behind. Skylark.
O’Toole, D. (1995). Facing Change: Falling Apart and Coming Together in the Teen Years. Mountain Rainbow Press.
Schuurman, D. (2003). Never the Same: Coming to Terms with the Death of a Parent. New York: St. Martin’s Press.
Wolfelt, A.D. (2001). Healing Your Grieving Heart for Teens: 100 Practical Ideas. Companion Press.